Nicole Deitelhoff, Moira Feil, Susanne Fischer, Andreas Haidvogl, Klaus Dieter Wolf, Melanie Coni-Zimmer
Business in Zones of Conflict and Global Security Governance
What has been Learnt and Where to from Here?
Bibliographische Angaben
Deitelhoff, Nicole / Feil, Moira / Fischer, Susanne / Haidvogl, Andreas / Wolf, Klaus Dieter / Coni-Zimmer, Melanie (2010): Business in Zones of Conflict and Global Security Governance. What has been Learnt and Where to from Here?, in: Deitelhoff, Nicole/Wolf, Klaus Dieter (eds), Corporate Security Responsibility? Corporate Governance Contributions to Peace and Security in Zones of Conflict, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 202-226.