PRIF Reports
PRIF Reports analysieren Hintergründe politischer Ereignisse und Entwicklungen und präsentieren wissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse. Ab 2018 erscheinen die deutsch- und englischsprachigen Publikationen als PRIF Reports. Die PRIF Reports stehen kostenfrei als PDF-Downloads und als gedruckte Versionen zur Verfügung.
- Nuclear Threats, Nuclear Deterrence, and the Future of Nuclear Restraint Regimes After Russia’s War of Aggression | 2024
Dembinski, Matthias / Polianskii, Mikhail (2024): Nuclear Threats, Nuclear Deterrence, and the Future of Nuclear Restraint Regimes After Russia’s War of Aggression, PRIF Report 5/2024, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2405.
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- Kann Europa Macht? Die Sicherheits und Verteidigungspolitik der EU nach dem Ukraine-Krieg | 2024
Dembinski, Matthias / Peters, Dirk (2024): Kann Europa Macht? Die Sicherheits und Verteidigungspolitik der EU nach dem Ukraine-Krieg, PRIF Report 4/2024, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2404.
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- African Special Envoys In Practice: A Research Agenda For Studying Complex Diplomatic Interventions | 2024
Deleglise, Dimpho (2024): African Special Envoys In Practice: A Research Agenda For Studying Complex Diplomatic Interventions, PRIF Report 3/2024, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2403.
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- Ausstieg verpasst? Der Bundestag und die UN-Mission in Mali | 2024
Gromes, Thorsten (2024): Ausstieg verpasst? Der Bundestag und die UN-Mission in Mali, PRIF Report 2/2024, Frankfurt/M.
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- Easier Said Than Done: The Political Discourse About Indigenous-Settler Reconciliation in Canada | 2024
Kopp, Rita Theresa (2024): Easier Said Than Done: The Political Discourse About Indigenous-Settler Reconciliation in Canada, PRIF Report 1/2024, Frankfurt/M., DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2401.
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- Rodrigo Duterte: The Legacy of a Widely Popular Strongman President | 2023
Kreuzer, Peter (2023): Rodrigo Duterte: The Legacy of a Widely Popular Strongman President, PRIF Report 7/2023, Frankfurt/M., DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2307.
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- Backlash Against and Resistance To Feminist Peacebuilding | 2023
Demirci, Irem / Perras, Clara / Scheyer, Victoria / Wisotzki, Simone (2023): Backlash Against and Resistance To Feminist Peacebuilding, PRIF Report 6/2023, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2306.
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- Zum Design militärischer Interventionen für Frieden und humanitären Schutz | 2023
Dembinski, Matthias (2023): Zum Design militärischer Interventionen für Frieden und humanitären Schutz. Motive, Trends und Konsequenzen für deutsche und europäische Politik, PRIF Report 5/2023, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2305.
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- Police use of deadly force in Brazil and the Philippines: What macro-level factors tell us | 2023
Kreuzer, Peter / Natal, Ariadne (2023): Police use of deadly force in Brazil and the Philippines: What macro-level factors tell us, PRIF Report 4/2023, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2304.
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- “Siding with the people” or “Occupying force”? Local perceptions of African Union and ECOWAS interventions in the Gambia | 2023
Birchinger, Sophia / Jaw, Sait Matty / Bah, Omar M / Witt, Antonia (2023): “Siding with the people” or “Occupying force”? Local perceptions of African Union and ECOWAS interventions in the Gambia, PRIF Report 3/2023, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2303.
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- Multilateralismus als Rahmenordnung: Zur Krise und Zukunft der multilateralen Weltordnung | 2023
Christian, Ben / Coni-Zimmer, Melanie / Deitelhoff, Nicole / Dembinski, Matthias / Kroll, Stefan / Lesch, Max / Peters, Dirk (2023): Multilateralismus als Rahmenordnung: Zur Krise und Zukunft der multilateralen Weltordnung, PRIF Report 2/2023, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2302.
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- Between Geopolitics and Identity Struggle: Why Israel Took Sides with Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict | 2023
Ben Aharon, Eldad (2023): Between Geopolitics and Identity Struggle: Why Israel Took Sides with Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict, PRIF Report 1/2023, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2301.
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- Der Verlauf bewaffneter Konflikte. Zum Ausmaß tödlicher Gewalt über Zeit | 2022
Gromes, Thorsten (2022): Der Verlauf bewaffneter Konflikte. Zum Ausmaß tödlicher Gewalt über Zeit, PRIF Report 15/2022, Frankfurt/M.
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- The “Clubs of Heads of State” from Below | 2022
Schnabel, Simone / Witt, Antonia / Konkobo, Adjara (2022): The “Clubs of Heads of State” from Below. Local perceptions of the African Union, ECOWAS and their 2014/15 interventions in Burkina Faso, PRIF Report 14/2022, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2214.
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- Regionalising the JCPOA: The Iranian Nuclear Deal as a Guideline for a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East? | 2022
Herrera Almela, Manuel (2022): Regionalising the JCPOA: The Iranian Nuclear Deal as a Guideline for a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East?, PRIF Report 13/2022, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2213.
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- Evaluation der politischen Bildung im Jugendstrafvollzug – Ansätze, Chancen, Herausforderungen | 2022
Tultschinetski, Sina / Theis, Désirée / Rieth, Alisa (2022): Evaluation der politischen Bildung im Jugendstrafvollzug – Ansätze, Chancen, Herausforderungen, PRIF Report 12/2022, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2212.
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- Les « syndicats des chefs d’État » sur le terrain | 2022
Schnabel, Simone / Witt, Antonia / Konkobo, Adjara (2022): Les « syndicats des chefs d’État » sur le terrain. Perceptions locales de l’Union Africaine, de la CEDEAO et de leurs interventions au Burkina Faso en 2014/2015, PRIF Report 11/2022, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2211.
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- Developmental Evaluation zur Begleitung von Entwicklungsprozessen in Projekten der Radikalisierungsprävention – ein Anwendungsbeispiel | 2022
Schmidt, Olga / Liebich, Johanna / Klöckner, Mona / Walkenhorst, Dennis / Dziri, Bacem (2022): Developmental Evaluation zur Begleitung von Entwicklungsprozessen in Projekten der Radikalisierungsprävention – ein Anwendungsbeispiel, PRIF Report 10/2022, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2210.
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- Evaluationskapazitäten im Bereich der Extremismusprävention und der politischen Bildung in Deutschland | 2022
Uhl, Andreas / Freiheit, Manuela / Zeibig, Benjamin / Zick, Andreas (2022): Evaluationskapazitäten im Bereich der Extremismusprävention und der politischen Bildung in Deutschland, PRIF Report 9/2022, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2209.
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- Evaluation und Qualitätssicherung in der Kooperation sicherheitsbehördlicher und zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure in der sekundären und tertiären Extremismusprävention | 2022
Junk, Julian / Koynova, Svetla / Ohlenforst, Vivienne / Ruf, Maximilian / Scheu, Lea Deborah (2022): Evaluation und Qualitätssicherung in der Kooperation sicherheitsbehördlicher und zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure in der sekundären und tertiären Extremismusprävention, PRIF Report 8/2022, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2208.
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- Monitoring, Evaluation und Lernen: Erfahrungen und Bedarfe der Fachpraxis in der Prävention von Rechtsextremismus und Islamismus | 2022
Koynova, Svetla / Mönig, Alina / Quent, Matthias / Ohlenforst, Vivienne (2022): Monitoring, Evaluation und Lernen: Erfahrungen und Bedarfe der Fachpraxis in der Prävention von Rechtsextremismus und Islamismus, PRIF Report 7/2022, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2207.
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- Klientenzentrierte Evaluation in Multi-Agency-Settings der Extremismusprävention | 2022
Johansson, Susanne / Junk, Julian / Liebich, Johanna / Walkenhorst, Dennis (2022): Klientenzentrierte Evaluation in Multi-Agency-Settings der Extremismusprävention. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines wirkungsorientierten Vorgehens, PRIF Report 6/2022, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2206.
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- Fragiles Vertrauen – Zwischen sozialen Bewegungen und Politikverdrossenheit | 2022
Reinhardt, Darius / Friedrich, Hannah / Mullis, Daniel (2022): Fragiles Vertrauen – Zwischen sozialen Bewegungen und Politikverdrossenheit. Jugend und Demokratie in Zeiten der Corona-Krise, PRIF Report 5/2022, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2205.
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- The Politics of Recognition, Armed Non-State Actors, and Conflict Transformation | 2022
Pfeifer, Hanna / Geis, Anna / Clément, Maéva (2022): The Politics of Recognition, Armed Non-State Actors, and Conflict Transformation, PRIF Report 4/2022, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2204.
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- Canada's Violent Legacy | 2022
Mannitz, Sabine / Drews, Friederike (2022): Canada's Violent Legacy. How the Processing of Cultural Genocide is Hampered by Political Deficits and Gaps in International Law, PRIF Report 3/2022, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2203.
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- Killing Politicians in the Philippines: Who, Where, When, and Why | 2022
Kreuzer, Peter (2022): Killing Politicians in the Philippines: Who, Where, When, and Why, PRIF Report 2/2022, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2202.
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- Multimethodische Evaluationsdesigns: eine Erhebung der sozialwissenschaftlichen Praxis | 2022
Klöckner, Mona / Verhovnik-Heinze, Melanie / Schlicht-Schmälzle, Raphaela / Nakamura, Reiko / Strunk, Julius (2022): Multimethodische Evaluationsdesigns: eine Erhebung der sozialwissenschaftlichen Praxis, PRIF Report 1/2022, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2201.
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- Probleme der Aufarbeitung kulturellen Genozids | 2021
Drews, Friederike / Mannitz, Sabine (2021): Probleme der Aufarbeitung kulturellen Genozids. Rechtliche Regelungslücken und politische Defizite am Beispiel Kanadas, PRIF Report 7/2021, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2107.
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- Webvideos und Livestream zur Aufklärung über Desinformation | 2021
Theis, Désirée / Verhovnik-Heinze, Melanie / Kroll, Stefan / Kierek, Keshia (2021): Webvideos und Livestream zur Aufklärung über Desinformation. Evaluationsansätze zu digitalen Formaten in der politischen Bildung, PRIF Report 8/2021, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2108.
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- Erfahrungen aus der Evaluationsplanung eines Aussteigerprogramms | 2021
Klöckner, Mona / Koynova, Svetla / Liebich, Johanna / Neef, Lisa (2021): Erfahrungen aus der Evaluationsplanung eines Aussteigerprogramms. Voraussetzungen für Wirksamkeitserfassung in der tertiären Extremismusprävention, PRIF Report 6/2021, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2106.
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- Erfolgsbedingungen und Herausforderungen für die Zusammenarbeit von Fachpraxis und Wissenschaft bei der Evaluation von Angeboten politischer Bildung | 2021
Schlicht-Schmälzle, Raphaela / Theis, Désirée / Tultschinetski, Sina / Verhovnik-Heinze, Melanie / Kautz, Christian / Kirchmann, Maryam (2021): Erfolgsbedingungen und Herausforderungen für die Zusammenarbeit von Fachpraxis und Wissenschaft bei der Evaluation von Angeboten politischer Bildung, PRIF Report 5/2021, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2105.
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- Beyond the Ban | 2021
Baldus, Jana / Fehl, Caroline / Hach, Sascha (2021): Beyond the Ban. A Global Agenda for Nuclear Justice, PRIF Report 4/2021, Frankfurt/M.
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- Road to Peace or Bone of Contention? (chin.) | 2021
Abb, Pascal / Swaine, Robert / Jones, Ilya (2021): Road to Peace or Bone of Contention? (chin.). The Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on Conflict States, PRIF Report 3/2021, Frankfurt/M.
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- "If You Can't Beat Them, Kill Them" | 2021
Kreuzer, Peter (2021): "If You Can't Beat Them, Kill Them". Fatal Violence Against Politicians in the Philippines, PRIF Report 2/2021, Frankfurt/M.
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- Road to Peace or Bone of Contention? | 2021
Abb, Pascal / Swaine, Robert / Jones, Ilya (2021): Road to Peace or Bone of Contention? The Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on Conflict States, PRIF Report 1/2021, Frankfurt/M.
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- German Arms Exports to the World? Taking Stock of the Past 30 Years | 2020
Wisotzki, Simone (2020): German Arms Exports to the World? Taking Stock of the Past 30 Years, PRIF Report 7/2020, Frankfurt/M.
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- How Do We Remember the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust? | 2020
Ben Aharon, Eldad (2020): How Do We Remember the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust? A Global View of an Integrated Memory of Perpetrators, Victims and Third–Party Countries, PRIF Report 6/2020, Frankfurt/M.
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- Governors and Mayors in the Philippines | 2020
Kreuzer, Peter (2020): Governors and Mayors in the Philippines. Resistance to or Support for Duterte's Deadly War on Drugs, PRIF Report 5/2020, Frankfurt/M.
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- Local Peacebuilding and the German Civil Peace Service | 2020
Ruppel, Samantha (2020): Local Peacebuilding and the German Civil Peace Service. Civil Conflict Transformation Between Partnership and Power Imbalance, PRIF Report 4/2020, Frankfurt/M.
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- Hindernisse auf dem Weg zu Friedensschlüssen in Bürgerkriegen | 2020
Gromes, Thorsten (2020): Hindernisse auf dem Weg zu Friedensschlüssen in Bürgerkriegen, PRIF Report 3/2020, Frankfurt/M.
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- Russland und der Westen | 2020
Dembinski, Matthias / Polianskii, Mikhail (2020): Russland und der Westen. Von der spannungsgeladenen Trennung zur Koexistenz?, PRIF Report 2/2020, Frankfurt/M.
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- A patron-strongman who delivers | 2020
Kreuzer, Peter (2020): A patron-strongman who delivers. Explaining enduring public support for President Duterte in the Philippines, PRIF Report 1/2020, Frankfurt/M.
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- Machine Learning-powered Artificial Intelligence in Arms Control | 2019
Lück, Nico (2019): Machine Learning-powered Artificial Intelligence in Arms Control, PRIF Report 8/2019, Frankfurt/M.
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- Masculinities in Peacekeeping | 2019
Fröhlich, Marieke (2019): Masculinities in Peacekeeping. Limits and transformations of UNSCR 1325 in the South African National Defence Force, PRIF Report 7/2019, Frankfurt/M.
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- Deutschland im UN-Sicherheitsrat 2019–2020 | 2019
Christian, Ben / Coni-Zimmer, Melanie (2019): Deutschland im UN-Sicherheitsrat 2019–2020. Eine Halbzeitbilanz, PRIF Report 6/2019, Frankfurt/M.
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- Regressive Politiken und der Aufstieg der AFD – Ursachensuche im Dickicht einer kontroversen Debatte | 2019
Mullis, Daniel / Zschocke, Paul (2019): Regressive Politiken und der Aufstieg der AFD – Ursachensuche im Dickicht einer kontroversen Debatte, PRIF Report 5/2019, Frankfurt/M.
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- Lernende Künstliche Intelligenz in der Rüstungskontrolle | 2019
Lück, Nico (2019): Lernende Künstliche Intelligenz in der Rüstungskontrolle, PRIF Report 4/2019, Frankfurt/M.
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- Kolumbiens Gewalt-Frieden | 2019
Rähme, Sophie (2019): Kolumbiens Gewalt-Frieden. Zum Anstieg der Gewalt gegen soziale Aktivisten und Aktivistinnen seit dem Friedensabkommen 2016, PRIF Report 3/2019, Frankfurt/M.
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- A Humanitarian Milestone? | 2019
Gromes, Thorsten (2019): A Humanitarian Milestone? NATO’s 1999 intervention in Kosovo and trends in military responses to mass violence, PRIF Report 2/2019, Frankfurt/M.
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- Preventing Civic Space Restrictions | 2019
Baldus, Jana / Berger-Kern, Nora / Hetz, Fabian / Poppe, Annika Elena / Wolff, Jonas (2019): Preventing Civic Space Restrictions. An Exploratory Study of Successful Resistance Against NGO Laws, PRIF Report 1/2019, Frankfurt/M.
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- Democracy Promotion in Times of Uncertainty | 2018
EDP Network (2018): Democracy Promotion in Times of Uncertainty. Trends and Challenges, PRIF Report 13/2018, Frankfurt/M.
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- Grenzen rationalistischer Erklärungen für Krieg | 2018
Gromes, Thorsten (2018): Grenzen rationalistischer Erklärungen für Krieg. Der Kollaps des Waffenstillstands in Kroatien 1995, PRIF Report 12/2018, Frankfurt/M.
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- Evaluation in der Radikalisierungsprävention: Ansätze und Kontroversen | 2018
Armborst, Andreas / Biene, Janusz / Coester, Marc / Greuel, Frank / Milbradt, Björn / Nehlsen, Inga (2018): Evaluation in der Radikalisierungsprävention: Ansätze und Kontroversen, PRIF Report 11/2018, Frankfurt/M.
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- Die Rolle des Internets und sozialer Medien für Radikalisierung und Deradikalisierung | 2018
Neumann, Peter / Winter, Charlie / Meleagrou-Hitchens, Alexander / Ranstorp, Magnus / Vidino, Lorenzo (2018): Die Rolle des Internets und sozialer Medien für Radikalisierung und Deradikalisierung, PRIF Report 10/2018, Frankfurt/M.
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- Herausforderung Deradikalisierung: Einsichten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis | 2018
Baaken, Till / Becker, Reiner / Bjørgo, Tore / Kiefer, Michael / Korn, Judy / Mücke, Thomas / Ruf, Maximilian / Walkenhorst, Dennis (2018): Herausforderung Deradikalisierung: Einsichten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, PRIF Report 9/2018, Frankfurt/M.
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- Radikalisierung der Gesellschaft? Forschungsperspektiven und Handlungsoptionen | 2018
Herschinger, Eva / Bozay, Kemal / Decker, Oliver / von Drachenfels, Magdalena / Joppke, Christian / Sinha, Klara (2018): Radikalisierung der Gesellschaft? Forschungsperspektiven und Handlungsoptionen, PRIF Report 8/2018, Frankfurt/M.
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- Brückennarrative - Verbindende Elemente für die Radikalisierung von Gruppen | 2018
Meiering, David / Dziri, Aziz / Foroutan, Naika / Teune, Simon / Lehnert, Esther / Abou Taam, Marwan (2018): Brückennarrative - Verbindende Elemente für die Radikalisierung von Gruppen, PRIF Report 7/2018, Frankfurt/M.
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- Radikalisierung von Individuen: Ein Überblick über mögliche Erklärungsansätze | 2018
Srowig, Fabian / Roth, Viktoria / Pisoiu, Daniela / Seewald, Katharina / Zick, Andreas (2018): Radikalisierung von Individuen: Ein Überblick über mögliche Erklärungsansätze, PRIF Report 6/2018, Frankfurt/M.
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- Was ist Radikalisierung? Präzisierungen eines umstrittenen Begriffs | 2018
Abay Gaspar, Hande / Daase, Christopher / Deitelhoff, Nicole / Junk, Julian / Sold, Manjana (2018): Was ist Radikalisierung? Präzisierungen eines umstrittenen Begriffs, PRIF Report 5/2018, Frankfurt/M.
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- Frieden und Zwang: Das neue Forschungsprogramm der HSFK | 2018
Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK) (2018): Frieden und Zwang: Das neue Forschungsprogramm der HSFK, PRIF Report 4/2018, Frankfurt/M.
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- Dealing With China in the South China Sea: Duterte Changing Course | 2018
Kreuzer, Peter (2018): Dealing With China in the South China Sea: Duterte Changing Course, PRIF Report 3/2018, Frankfurt/M.
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- Coercion and Peace | 2018
Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (2018): Coercion and Peace. PRIF's New Research Program, PRIF Report 2/2018, Frankfurt/M.
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- Eine Armee für die Europäische Union? | 2018
Dembinski, Matthias / Peters, Dirk (2018): Eine Armee für die Europäische Union? Europapolitische Konzeptionen und verteidigungspolitische Strukturen, PRIF Report 1/2018, Frankfurt/M.
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- A Fresh Start of Conventional Arms Control in Europe Will Face Many Structural Problems | 2017
Schmidt, Hans-Joachim (2017): A Fresh Start of Conventional Arms Control in Europe Will Face Many Structural Problems, PRIF Report No. 151, Frankfurt/M.
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- Pragmatism as Principle | 2017
Zimmermann, Lisbeth (2017): Pragmatism as Principle. The Comeback of Hybrid Courts, PRIF Report No. 150, Frankfurt/M.
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- Preserve Past Achievements! | 2017
Schörnig, Niklas (2017): Preserve Past Achievements! Why Drones Should Stay within the Missile Technology Control Regime (for the Time Being), PRIF Report No. 149, Frankfurt/M.
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- Armed Conflict and Contested Memory | 2017
Kohl, Christoph (2017): Armed Conflict and Contested Memory. A Plea for a Fresh Start in the Politics of Memory in Mozambique, PRIF Report No. 148, Frankfurt/M.
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- The Kurdish Movement in Turkey | 2017
O'Connor, Francis (2017): The Kurdish Movement in Turkey. Between Political Differentiation and Violent Confrontation, PRIF Report No. 147, Frankfurt/M.
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- Northern Ireland: The End of the Story? | 2017
Moltmann, Bernhard (2017): Northern Ireland: The End of the Story? The Peace Process and the Brexit, PRIF Report No. 146, Frankfurt/M.
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- "Plural Peace" – Principles of a New Russia Policy | 2017
Dembinski, Matthias / Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2017): "Plural Peace" – Principles of a New Russia Policy, PRIF Report No. 145, Frankfurt/M.
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- 3D Printing and International Security | 2017
Fey, Marco (2017): 3D Printing and International Security. Risks and Challenges of an Emerging Technology, PRIF Report No. 144, Frankfurt/M.
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- The Quest for Social Justice in Tunisia. Socioeconomic protest and political democratization post 2011 | 2017
Vatthauer, Jan-Philipp / Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2017): The Quest for Social Justice in Tunisia. Socioeconomic protest and political democratization post 2011, PRIF Report No. 143, Frankfurt/M.
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- "If they resist, kill them all": Police Vigilantism in the Philippines | 2016
Kreuzer, Peter (2016): "If they resist, kill them all": Police Vigilantism in the Philippines, PRIF Report No. 142, Frankfurt/M.
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- US Alliance Obligations in the Disputes in the East and South China Seas | 2016
Kim, Tongfi (2016): US Alliance Obligations in the Disputes in the East and South China Seas. Issues of Applicability and Interpretations, PRIF Report No. 141, Frankfurt/M.
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- Japan’s Policy towards the South China Sea – Applying “Proactive Peace Diplomacy”? | 2016
Drifte, Reinhard (2016): Japan’s Policy towards the South China Sea – Applying “Proactive Peace Diplomacy”?, PRIF Report No. 140, Frankfurt/M.
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- "The World Culture Entered Turkey" | 2016
Mannitz, Sabine / Göğüş, Sezer İdil (2016): "The World Culture Entered Turkey". New Conflict Lines and the Challenges for Democratic Consolidation in Turkey, PRIF Report No. 139, Frankfurt/M.
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- Civil-Military Relations in Thailand since the 2014 Coup | 2015
Chambers, Paul (2015): Civil-Military Relations in Thailand since the 2014 Coup. The Tragedy of Security Sector "Deform", PRIF Report No. 138, Frankfurt/M.
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- Afghanistan and Central Asia in 2015 | 2015
Arvid Bell, Afghanistan and Central Asia in 2015.An Overview of Actors, Interests,and Relationships, PRIF-Report No. 132, Frankfurt /M., 2015.
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- Facing China | 2015
Kreuzer, Peter (2015): Facing China. Crises or Peaceful Coexistence in the South China Sea, PRIF Report No. 134, Frankfurt/M.
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- From Closing Space to Contested Spaces | 2015
Wolff, Jonas / Poppe, Annika Elena (2015): From Closing Space to Contested Spaces. Re-assessing Current Conflicts over International Civil Society Support, PRIF Report No. 137, Frankfurt/M.
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- Setting the Model. | 2015
Christoph Kohl, Setting the Model. Reforming Policing in Guinea-Bissau, PRIF Report No. 135, Frankfurt/M., 2015.
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- Ten Years R2P – What Doesn‘t Kill a Norm Only Makes It Stronger? | 2015
Hofmann, Gregor P. (2015): Ten Years R2P – What Doesn‘t Kill a Norm Only Makes It Stronger? Contestation, Application and Institutionalization of International Atrocity Prevention and Response, PRIF Report No. 133, Frankfurt/M.
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- Transformation of an Order through Reversal of a Norm-Hierarchy | 2015
Saskia Scholz/Klaus Dieter Wolf, Transformation of an Order through Reversal of a Norm-Hierarchy. The Protection of Intellectual Property and the Right ot Health, PRIF Report No. 131, Frankfurt/M., 2015.
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- Which Gets Protection – Belief or Believer? | 2015
Baumgart-Ochse, Claudia (2015): Which Gets Protection – Belief or Believer? The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and the Campaign against the ‚Defamation of Religions‘, PRIF Report No. 136, Frankfurt/M.
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- Assessing Contemporary Maritime Piracy in Southeast Asia | 2014
Liss, Carolin (2014): Assessing Contemporary Maritime Piracy in Southeast Asia. Trends, Hotspots and Responses, PRIF Report No. 125, Frankfurt/M.
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- Growing Up Rough: The Changing Politics of Justice at the International Criminal Court | 2014
Fehl, Caroline (2014): Growing Up Rough: The Changing Politics of Justice at the International Criminal Court, PRIF Report No. 127, Frankfurt/M.
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- Institutional Justice as a Condition for the Regional Acceptance of Global Order | 2014
Dembinski, Matthias / Peters, Dirk (2014): Institutional Justice as a Condition for the Regional Acceptance of Global Order. The African Union and the Protection of Civilians, PRIF Report No. 130, Frankfurt/M.
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- The Fortunate Ones and the Ones Still Waiting | 2014
Eva Ottendörfer, The Fortunate Ones and the Ones Still Waiting: Reparations for War Victims in Sierra Leone, PRIF Report No. 129, Frankfurt/M., 2014.
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- The Reform of Guinea-Bissau's Security Sector | 2014
Christoph Kohl, The Reform of Guina-Bissau's Security Sector. Between Demand and Practice, PRIF Report No. 126, Frankfurt/M., 2014.
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- Undermining Human Security | 2014
Elke Krahmann, Cornelius Friesendorf, Undermining Human Security. Private Security Companies, the APPF, Militias and Auxiliary Police in Afghanistan, PRIF Report No. 128, Frankfurt/M. 2014.
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- Balanced Minimalism | 2013
Becker-Jakob, Una (2013): Balanced Minimalism. The Biological Weapons Convention after its 7th Review Conference, PRIF Report No. 120, Frankfurt/M.
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- Designing Elections in Conflict-prone Divided Societies: The Case of South Sudan | 2013
Sofie Dreef/Wolfgang Wagner, Designing Elections in Conflict-prone Divided Societies: The Case of South Sudan, PRIF Report No. 122, Frankfurt/M., 2013.
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- Development Cooperation or Competition? | 2013
Bakalova, Evgeniya / Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2013): Development Cooperation or Competition? Russia as a re-emerging donor, PRIF Report No. 123, Frankfurt/M.
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- Highly Enriched Uranium, a Dangerous Substance that Should Be Eliminated | 2013
Schaper, Annette (2013): Highly Enriched Uranium, a Dangerous Substance that Should Be Eliminated, PRIF Report No. 124, Frankfurt/M.
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- Pakistan's rise to nuclear power and the contribution of German companies | 2013
Ricke, Klaus-Peter, Pakistan's rise to nuclear power and the contribution of german companies, PRIF-Report No. 118, Frankfurt/M., 2013.
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- Unruly Boots | 2013
Paul Chambers, Unruly Boots: Military Power and Security Sector Reform Efforts in Thailand, PRIF Report No. 121, Frankfurt/M., 2013.
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- Verified Transparency | 2013
Schmidt, Hans-Joachim, Verified Transparency. New conceptual ideas for conventional arms control in Europe, PRIF Report No. 119, Frankfurt/M., 2013.
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- A Thirsty Dragon | 2012
Amar Causevic: A Thirsty Dragon. Rising Chinese Crude Oil Demand and Prospects for Multilateral Energy Security Cooperation, PRIF Report No. 116, Frankfurt/M., 2012.
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- From Meltdown to Showdown? | 2012
Christoph Humrich/Klaus Dieter Wolf, From Meltdown to Showdown? Challenges and options for governance in the Arctic, PRIF Report No. 113, Frankfurt/M., 2012.
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- Mafia-style Domination in the Philippines: Comparing Provinces | 2012
Kreuzer, Peter (2012): Mafia-style Domination in the Philippines: Comparing Provinces, PRIF Report No. 117, Frankfurt/M.
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- Mafia-style Domination: The Philippine Province of Pampanga | 2012
Kreuzer, Peter (2012): Mafia-style Domination: The Philippine Province of Pampanga, PRIF Report No. 114, Frankfurt/M.
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- Towards Effective Security Governance in Africa | 2012
Dembinski, Matthias / Krempel, Jörg / Schott, Berenike (2012): Towards Effective Security Governance in Africa. African and European actors in peacekeeping and peacebuilding: partners or competitors?, PRIF Report No. 115, Frankfurt/M.
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- A Treaty on Fissile Material: | 2011
Schaper, Annette (2011): A Treaty on Fissile Material:. Just Cutoff or More?, PRIF Report No. 109, Frankfurt/M.
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- Democracy, the Armed Forces and Military Deployment | 2011
Müller, Harald / Fey, Marco / Mannitz, Sabine / Schörnig, Niklas (2011): Democracy, the Armed Forces and Military Deployment. The 'Second Social Contract' is on the Line, PRIF Report No. 108, Frankfurt/M.
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- Domination in Negros Occidental | 2011
Kreuzer, Peter (2011): Domination in Negros Occidental. Variants on a Ruling Oligarchy, PRIF Report No. 112, Frankfurt/M.
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- Libya and the Future of the Responsibility to Protect | 2011
Dembinski, Matthias / Reinold, Theresa (2011): Libya and the Future of the Responsibility to Protect. African and European Perspectives, PRIF Report No. 107, Frankfurt/M.
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- Militarized versus Civilian Policing | 2011
Cornelius Friesendorf, Jörg Krempel, Militarized versus Civilian Policing: Problems of Reforming the Afghan National Police, PRIF-Report No. 102, Frankfurt/M., 2011.
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- Nairobi Burning | 2011
Andreas Jacobs, Nairobi Burning: Kenya's post-election violence from the perspective of the urban poor, PRIF Report No. 110, Frankfurt/M., 2011.
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- Promoting or Demoting Democracy Abroad? | 2011
Cemal Karakas, Promoting or Demoting Democracy Abroad? US and German reactions to the rise of political Islam in Turkey, PRIF Report No. 106, Frankfurt/M., 2011.
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- Re-engaging Latin America's Left? US relations with Bolivia and Ecuador from Bush to Obama | 2011
Wolff, Jonas (2011): Re-engaging Latin America's Left? US relations with Bolivia and Ecuador from Bush to Obama, PRIF Report 103/2011, Frankfurt/M.
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- The Contested 'Parliamentarisation' of EU Foreign and Security Policy | 2011
Anna Herranz-Surrallés, The Contested 'Parliamentarisation' of EU Foreign and Security Policy. The role of the European Parliament following the introduction of the Treaty of Lisbon, PRIF-Report No. 104, Frankfurt/M., 2011.
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- The European Union Peacebuilding Approach: | 2011
Michal Natorski, The European Union Peacebuilding Approach: Governance and Practices of the Instrument of Stability, PRIF Report No. 111, Frankfurt/M., 2011.
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- Violence as a Means of Control and Domination in the Southern Philippines | 2011
Kreuzer, Peter (2011): Violence as a Means of Control and Domination in the Southern Philippines. How violence is used to consolidate power in the Southern Phillipines, PRIF Report No. 105, Frankfurt/M.
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- Binding Non-State Armed Groups to International Humanitarian Law | 2010
Stefanie Herr, Binding Non-State Armed Groups to International Humanitarian Law. Geneva Call and the Ban of Anti-personnel Mines: Lessons from Sudan, PRIF Report No. 95, Frankfurt/M., 2010.
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- Democratic Security Sector Governance in Serbia | 2010
Filip Ejdus, Democratic Security Governance in Serbia, PRIF Report No. 94, Frankfurt/M., 2010.
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- Keeping Space Safe | 2010
Max M. Mutschler, Keeping Space Safe. Towards a long-term strategy to arms control in space, PRIF Report No. 98, Frankfurt/M., 2010.
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- Nuclear Transparency and Registers of Nuclear Weapons and Fissile Materials | 2010
Müller, Harald / Schaper, Annette (2010): Nuclear Transparency and Registers of Nuclear Weapons and Fissile Materials, PRIF Report No. 97, Frankfurt/M.
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- Robot Warriors | 2010
Schörnig, Niklas (2010): Robot Warriors. Why the Western investment into military robots might backfire, PRIF Report No. 100, Frankfurt/M.
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- The EU and Belarus Engaged - No Wedding in Sight | 2010
András Rácz, The EU and Belarus Engaged - No Wedding in Sight, PRIF-Report No. 101, Frankfurt/M., 2010.
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- The Roo and the Dragon | 2010
Schörnig, Niklas (2010): The Roo and the Dragon. Australia's foreign policy towards China during the Rudd era, PRIF Report No. 99, Frankfurt/M.
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- Whither to, Obama? | 2010
Poppe, Annika Elena (2010): Whither to, Obama? U.S. Democracy Promotion after the Cold War, PRIF Report No. 96, Frankfurt/M.
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- "Natural Friends"? | 2009
Harald Müller/Andreas Schmidt, "Natural Friends"? Relations between the United States and India after 2001, PRIF Report No. 87, Frankfurt/M., 2009.
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- Between Impositions and Promises | 2009
Thorsten Gromes, Between Impositions and Promises: Democracy in Macedonia, PRIF Report No. 91, Frankfurt/M., 2009.
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- Between Morality and Military Interests | 2009
Simone Wisotzki, Between Morality and Military Interests: Norm Setting in Humanitarian Arms Control, PRIF Report No. 92, Frankfurt/M., 2009.
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- China in the South Pacific | 2009
Roland Seib, China in the South Pacific: No New Hegemon on the Horizon, PRIF Report No. 90, Frankfurt/M., 2009.
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- Military Confidence Building and Arms Control in Unresolved Territorial Conflicts | 2009
Hans-Joachim Schmidt, Military Confidence Building and Arms Control in Unresolved Territorial Conflicts, PRIF Report No. 89, Frankfurt/M., 2009.
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- Philippine Governance | 2009
Peter Kreuzer, Philippine Governance: Merging Politics and Crime, PRIF Report No. 93, Frankfurt/M, 2009.
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- Private Security Companies and the State Monopoly on Violence | 2009
Elke Krahmann, Private Security Companies and the State Monopoly on Violence: A Case of Norm Change?, PRIF Report No. 88, Frankfurt/M., 2009.
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- After the Caucasian War: Engaging, not Containing, Russia | 2008
Matthias Dembinski/Hans-Joachim Schmidt/Bruno Schoch/Hans-Joachim Spanger, After the Caucasian War: Engaging, not Containing, Russia, PRIF Report No. 86, Frankfurt/M., 2008.
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- Bad Guys, Good Guys, or Something in between? | 2008
Moira Feil/Susanne Fischer/Andreas Haidvogl/Melanie Zimmer, Bad Guys, Good Guys, or Something in between? Corporate Governance contributions in zones of violent conflict, PRIF Report No. 84, Frankfurt/M., 2008.
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- Between Ground Zero and Square One | 2008
Hans-Joachim Spanger, Between Ground Zero and Square One. How George W. Bush failed on Russia, PRIF Report No. 82, Frankfurt/M., 2008.
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- Farewell Non-Alignment? | 2008
Carsten Rauch, Farewell Non-Alignment? Constancy and change of foreign policy in post-colonial India, PRIF Report No. 85, Frankfurt/M., 2008.
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- In Doubt for the Monarchy | 2008
Iris Wurm, In Doubt for the Monarchy. Autocratic Modernization in Saudi-Arabia, PRIF Report No. 81, Frankfurt/M., 2008.
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- Violence in a Homeostatic System - the Case of Honduras | 2008
Heidrun Zinecker, Violence in a Homeostatic System - the Case of Honduras, PRIF Report No. 83, Frankfurt/M., 2008.
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- From Exodus to Exitus | 2007
Heidrun Zinecker, From Exodus to Exitus. Causes of post-war violence in El Salvador, PRIF Report No. 80, Frankfurt/M., 2007.
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- Light at the End of the Tunnel? | 2007
Una Becker, Light at the End of the Tunnel? The Sixth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention, PRIF Report No. 79, Frankfurt/M., 2007.
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- Turkey: Islam and Laicism Between the Interests of State, Politics, and Society | 2007
Cemal Karakas, Turkey: Islam and Laicism Between the Interests of State, Politics, and Society, PRIF Report No. 78, Frankfurt/M., 2007.
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- Europe’s New Neighborhood on the Verge of War | 2006
Pamela Jawad, Europe’s New Neighborhood on the Verge of War. What role for the EU in Georgia?, PRIF Report No. 74, Frankfurt/M., 2006.
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- Nuclear Weapons Research and Modernization Without Nuclear Testing | 2006
Giorgio Franceschini/Annette Schaper, Nuclear Weapons Research and Modernization Without Nuclear Testing. The CTBT in danger?, PRIF Report No. 77, Frankfurt/M., 2006.
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- Peace on the Korean Peninsula | 2006
Hans-Joachim Schmidt, Peace on the Korean Peninsula. What can the EU contribute to the Six-party process?, PRIF Report No. 75, Frankfurt/M., 2006.
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- Violence in Peace | 2006
Heidrun Zinecker, Violence in Peace. Forms and causes of postwar violence in Guatemala, PRIF Report No. 76, Frankfurt/M., 2006.
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- Democratic Consolidation in Georgia after the "Rose Revolution"? | 2005
Pamela Jawad, Democratic Consolidation in Georgia after the "Rose Revolution"?, PRIF Report No. 73, Frankfurt/M., 2005.
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- Framing Violence: Nation- and State-Building | 2005
Peter Kreuzer/Mirjam Weiberg, Framing Violence: Nation- and State-Building. Asian Perspectives, PRIF Report No. 72, Frankfurt/M., 2005.
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- Political Clans and Violence in the Southern Philippines | 2005
Peter Kreuzer, Political Clans and Violence in the Southern Philippines, PRIF Report No. 71, Frankfurt/M., 2005.
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- Doctrine and Practice of Preventive War | 2004
Günter Joetze, Doctrine and Practice of Preventive War. Its Impact on European Security, PRIF Report No. 70, Frankfurt/M., 2004
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- Looking for a Demarcation between Nuclear Transparency and Nuclear Secrecy | 2004
Annette Schaper, Looking for a Demarcation between Nuclear Transparency and Nuclear Secrecy, PRIF Report No. 68, Frankfurt/M., 2004.
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- US Nuclear Policy after the Cold War | 2004
Harald Müller/Annette Schaper, US Nuclear Policy after the Cold War, PRIF Report No. 69, Frankfurt/M., 2004.
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- Arrogance of Power – Arrogance of Impotence | 2003
Gert Krell, Arrogance of Power – Arrogance of Impotence. The Iraq Conflict, US "Weltpolitik", and Transatlantic Relations, PRIF Report No. 67, Frankfurt/M., 2003.
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- Poverty Reduction through Democratisation? | 2003
Hans-Joachim Spanger/Jonas Wolff, Poverty Reduction through Democratisation? PRSP: Challenges of a New Development Assistance Strategy, PRIF Report No. 66, Frankfurt/M., 2003.
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- Terrorism using biological and nuclear weapons | 2003
Alexander Kelle/Annette Schaper, Terrorism using biological and nuclear weapons. A critical analysis of risks after 11 September 2001, PRIF Report No. 64, Frankfurt/M., 2003.
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- The Role of the EU in the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons | 2003
Clara Portela, The Role of the EU in the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The Way to Thessaloniki and Beyond, PRIF Report No. 65, Frankfurt/M., 2003.
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- Applying theories of ethno-cultural conflict and conflict resolution to collective violence in Indonesia | 2002
Peter Kreuzer, Applying theories of ethno-cultural conflict and conflict resolution to collective violence in Indonesia, PRIF Report No. 63, Frankfurt/M., 2002.
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- Confidence and/or Control? | 2002
Hans-Joachim Schmidt, Confidence and/or Control? Seeking a new relationship between North and South Korea, PRIF Report No. 62, Frankfurt/M., 2002.
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- Demarcation versus Cooperation | 2002
Hans-Joachim Spanger, Demarcation versus Cooperation. Peculiarities of Western Democracy Promotion in Russia, PRIF Report No. 61, Frankfurt/M., 2002.
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- A Case for Justice? | 2001
Bernhard Moltmann, A Case for Justice? Reflections on the Foundations and Perspectives of the German Arms Export Politics, PRIF Report No. 60, Frankfurt/M., 2001.
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- From Confrontation to Integration | 2001
Airat Aklaev, From Confrontation to Integration. The Evolution of Ethnopolitics in the Baltic States, PRIF Report No. 59, Frankfurt/M., 2001.
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- Principles of the Verification for a Future Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT) | 2001
Annette Schaper, Principles of the Verification for a Future Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT), PRIF Report No. 58, Frankfurt/M., 2001.
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- The American Physical Society’s Directed Energy Weapons Study | 2001
Bernd W. Kubbig, The American Physical Society’s Directed Energy Weapons Study. Genesis, Influence on the Strategic Defense Initiative, and Lessons for Renewed APS Involvement during the George W. Bush Administration, Research Report, January 2001.
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- Nuclear Weapons and German Interests | 2000
Harald Müller, Nuclear Weapons and German Interests. An Attempt at Redefinition, PRIF Report No. 55, Frankfurt/M., 2000.
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- Positioning Europe as a Credible Actor in the "Ballistic Missile Defense Game" | 2000
Bernd W. Kubbig, Positioning Europe as a Credible Actor in the "Ballistic Missile Defense Game". Concepts and Recommendations, PRIF Report No. 56, Frankfurt/M., 2000.
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- Switzerland - a Model for Solving Nationality Conflicts? | 2000
Bruno Schoch, Switzerland - a Model for Solving Nationality Conflicts?, PRIF Report No. 54, Frankfurt/M., 2000.
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- Unilateralism as Sole Foreign-Policy Strategy? | 2000
Bernd W. Kubbig/Matthias Dembinski/Alexander Kelle, Unilateralism as Sole Foreign-Policy Strategy? American Policy toward the UN, NATO and the OPCW in the Clinton Era, PRIF Report No. 57, Frankfurt/M., 2000.
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- A Nuclear Weapons Free World - Can it Be Verified? | 1999
Katja Frank/Annette Schaper, A Nuclear Weapons Free World - Can it Be Verified?, PRIF Report No. 53, Frankfurt/M., 1999.
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- Free Trade + Democratization = Development? | 1999
Peter Schlotter, Free Trade + Democratization = Development? The European Union's Maghreb Policy, PRIF Report No. 52, Frankfurt/M., 1999.
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- "Talk to them? No way!" | 1998
Christian Büttner/Elke Kronenberger/Elisabeth Stahl, "Talk to them? No way!" Models of Dispute Settlement in Multicultural Urban Societies, PRIF Report No. 49, Frankfurt/M., 1998.
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- Security in a Nuclear Weapons Free World | 1998
Alexander Kelle, Security in a Nuclear Weapons Free World. How to Cope with the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons Threat, PRIF Report No. 50, Frankfurt/M., 1998.
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- The Nuclear Weapons Register - a Good Idea Whose Time Has Come | 1998
Harald Müller, The Nuclear Weapons Register - a Good Idea whose Time Has Come, PRIF Report No. 51, Frankfurt/M., 1998.
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- A Treaty on the Cutoff of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons | 1997
Annette Schaper, A Treaty on the Cutoff of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons. What to Cover? How to Verify? With an Appendix on "Some striking similarties and some telling dissimilarities between an cutoff Convention and a CTBT" by Stefan Keller, PRIF Report No. 48, Frankfurt/M., 1997.
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- Unilateral Strains on Transatlantic Relations | 1997
Kinka Gerke, Unilateral Strains on Transatlantic Relations. US Sanctions against those who Trade with Cuba, Iran and Libya, and their Effects on the World Trade Regime, PRIF Report No. 47, Frankfurt/M., 1997.
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- Communicators in the Cold War: The Pugwash Conferences, the US-Soviet Study Group and the ABM Treaty | 1996
Bernd W. Kubbig, Communicators in the Cold War: The Pugwash Conferences, the US-Soviet Study Group and the ABM Treaty. Natural Scientists as Political Actors. Historical Success and Lessons for the Future, PRIF Report No. 44, Frankfurt/M., 1996.
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- NATO and Arms Control: Alliance Enlargement and the CFE Treaty | 1996
Hans-Joachim Schmidt, NATO and Arms Control: Alliance Enlargement and the CFE Treaty, PRIF Report No. 42, Frankfurt/M., 1996.
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- Nuclear Disarmament: With what End in View? | 1996
Harald Müller/Alexander Kelle/Katja Frank/Sylvia Meier/Annette Schaper, Nuclear Disarmament: With what End in View? The International Discourse about Nuclear Arms Control and the Vision of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free-World, PRIF Report No. 46, Frankfurt/M., 1996.
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- Still a Chance for Negotiated Peace | 1996
Götz von Groll/Berthold Meyer, Still a Chance for Negotiated Peace. Applying the Lessons of the CSCE with a View to a Conference on Security and Co-operation in the Middle East, PRIF Report No. 45, Frankfurt/M., 1996.
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- The New Russia: Inheritance and Perspectives | 1996
Andrei A. Kokoshin, The New Russia: Inheritance and Perspectives, PRIF Report No. 43, Frankfurt/M., 1996.
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- Are Democracies Peaceful? Not quite yet | 1995
Ernst-Otto Czempiel, Are Democracies Peaceful? Not quite yet, PRIF Report No. 37, Frankfurt/M., 1995.
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- NATO-Enlargement: Path to Unity or to New Division of Europe | 1995
Berthold Meyer, NATO-Enlargement: Path to Unity or to New Division of Europe, PRIF Report No. 38, Frankfurt/M., 1995.
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- Russian Defence Conversion and Arms Exportation | 1995
Yevgeni Kogan, Russian Defence Conversion and Arms Exportation, PRIF Report No. 41, Frankfurt/M., 1995.
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- TV and the Protection of Young People in Europe: TV Violence without Frontiers? | 1995
Christian Büttner/Joachim von Gottberg, TV and the Protection of Young People in Europe: TV Violence without Frontiers?, PRIF Report No. 39, Frankfurt/M., 1995.
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- United Divided: The European at the NPT Extension Conference | 1995
David Fischer/Harald Müller, United Divided: The European at the NPT Extension Conference, PRIF Report No. 40, Frankfurt/M., 1995.
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- Germany and the Institutions of Collective Security in Europe | 1994
Mary M. McKenzie, Germany and the Institutions of Collective Security in Europe, PRIF Report No. 36, Frankfurt/M., 1994.
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- NATO and Nonproliferation | 1994
Matthias Dembinski/Alexander Kelle/Harald Müller, NATO and Nonproliferation. A Critical Appraisal, PRIF Report No. 33, Frankfurt/M., 1994.
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- The Strategic Implications of European Integration | 1994
Mathias Jopp, The Strategic Implications of European Integration, PRIF Report No. 35, Frankfurt/M., 1994.
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- Where is Russia Going? Foreign and Defence Policies in a New Era | 1994
Sergei Karaganov, Where is Russia Going? Foreign and Defence Policies in a New Era, PRIF Report No. 34, Frankfurt/M., 1994.
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- CFE and the CIS: The Difficult Road to Ratification | 1993
Pál Dunay, CFE and the CIS: The Difficult Road to Ratification, PRIF Report No. 29, Frankfurt/M., 1993.
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- From Black Sheep to White Angel? | 1993
Harald Müller/Matthias Dembinski/Alexander Kelle/Annette Schaper, From Black Sheep to White Angel? The New German Export Control Policy, PRIF Report No. 32 Frankfurt/M., 1993.
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- Security, Development and Cooperation in Southern Africa: The Midgard Conference | 1993
Hans-Joachim Spanger/Peter Vale, Security, Development and Cooperation in Southern Africa: The Midgard Conference, PRIF Report No. 31, Frankfurt/M., 1993.
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- The Semiotics of Struggle: Gender Representations in the Natal Violence | 1993
Shireen Hassim/Lindy Stiebel, The Semiotics of Struggle: Gender Representations in the Natal Violence, PRIF Report No. 30, Frankfurt/M., 1993.
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- Sovietology, Peace Research and Gender Studies | 1992
Gerard Holden, Sovietology, Peace Research and Gender Studies: Historical Disciplines and the Possibility of Integration, PRIF Report No. 26, Frankfurt/M., 1992.
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- The CFE Treaty | 1992
Pál Dunay, The CFE Treaty. History, Achievments and Shortcomings, PRIF Report No. 24, Frankfurt/M., 1992.
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- The Military Strategic Emancipation of Poland | 1992
Janusz Prystrom, The Military Strategic Emancipation of Poland, PRIF Report No. 25, Frankfurt/M., 1992.
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- The United States, Japan, and Asia: New Constellation but Old Politics | 1992
Ernst-Otto Czempiel, The United States, Japan, and Asia: New Constellation but Old Politics, PRIF Report No. 27, Frankfurt/M., 1992.
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- To Strassbourg or to Sarajevo? | 1992
Bruno Schoch, To Strassbourg or to Sarajevo? On Nationalism in the Postcommunist Transitional Societies, PRIF Report No. 28, Frankfurt/M., 1992.
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- A Treaty in Trouble | 1991
Harald Müller/David Fischer, A Treaty in Trouble. Europe and the NPT after the Fourth Review Conference, PRIF Report No. 17, Frankfurt/M., 1991.
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- Germany and the East-West Economic Relations | 1991
Reinhard Rode, Germany and the East-West Economic Relations, PRIF Report No. 18, Frankfurt/M., 1991.
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- Germany: World Economic Power or Overburdened Eurohegemon? | 1991
Reinhard Rode, Germany: World Economic Power or Overburdened Eurohegemon?, PRIF Report No. 21, Frankfurt/M., 1991.
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- NATO-Command and Control Between High-Tech Warfare and Arms Controls | 1991
Jürgen Scheffran, NATO-Command and Control Between High-Tech Warfare and Arms Controls, PRIF Report No. 22, Frankfurt/M., 1991.
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- Searching for Peace after the Cold War | 1991
Gert Krell, Searching for Peace after the Cold War. Conceptual and Practical Problems of a New European Peace Order, PRIF Reports No. 19-20, Frankfurt/M., 1991.
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- The End of an Alliance | 1991
Gerald Holden, The End of an Alliance. Soviet Policy and the Warsaw Pact, 1989-90, PRIF Report No. 16, Frankfurt/M., 1991.
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- The Road to the Coup | 1991
Gerald Holden, The Road to the Coup. Civil-Military Relations in the Soviet Crisis, PRIF Report No. 23, Frankfurt/M., 1991.
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- After the Scandals | 1990
Harald Müller, After the Scandals. West German Nonproliferation Policy, PRIF Report No. 9, Frankfurt/M., 1990.
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- Europe without Tactical Nuclear Forces? | 1990
Matthias Dembinski, Europe without Tactical Nuclear Forces? Reflections on the Concept of Minimized Extended Deterrence, PRIF Report No. 15, Frankfurt/M., 1990.
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- European Security in the 1990s | 1990
HSFK (Hg.), European Security in the 1990s. Joint Conference of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, PRIF Reports No. 11-12, Frankfurt/M., 1990.
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- Germany and the Bomb | 1990
Harald Müller/Wolfgang Kötter, Germany and the Bomb. Nuclear Policies in the Two German States, and the United Germany's Nonproliferation Commitments, PRIF Report No. 14, Frankfurt/M., 1990.
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- Regime Analysis and the CSCE Process | 1990
Norbert Ropers/Peter Schlotter, Regime Analysis and the CSCE Process, PRIF Report No. 13, Frankfurt/M., 1990.
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- The Federal Republic of Germany and Arms Control | 1990
Gert Krell, The Federal Republic of Germany and Arms Control, PRIF Report No. 10, Frankfurt/M., 1990.
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- No End to Modernization? | 1989
Matthias Dembinski/Mathias Jopp/Gert Krell/Bernd W. Kubbig/Berthold Meyer/Harald Müller/Peter Schlotter (Hg.)/Hans-Joachim Schmidt/Jürgen Wilzewski, No End to Modernization? Short-range Missile "Modernization" and the Deficiencies in the NATO Security Debate, PRIF Reports No. 6-7, Frankfurt/M., 1989.
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- On the Future of Europe, East Europe and Central Europe | 1989
Egbert Jahn, On the Future of Europe, East Europe and Central Europe, PRIF Report No. 8, Frankfurt/M., 1989.
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- The SDI Memorandum of Understanding between Bonn and Washington | 1989
Bernd W. Kubbig, The SDI Memorandum of Understanding between Bonn and Washington. A Review of the First Three Years, PRIF Report No. 5, Frankfurt/M., 1989.
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- France, Great Britain and West Germany | 1988
Lothar Brock/Mathias Jopp/Berthold Meyer/Norbert Ropers/Peter Schlotter, France, Great Britain and West Germany. Dissenting Promoters of Security Cooperation in Western Europe, PRIF Report No. 4, Frankfurt/M., 1988.
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- Ostpolitik Dimensions of West German Security Policy | 1988
Gert Krell, Ostpolitik Dimensions of West German Security Policy, PRIF Report No. 1, Frankfurt/M., 1988.
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- SDI for Europe? | 1988
Jürgen Altmann, SDI for Europe? Technical Aspects of Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile Defenses, PRIF Report No. 3, Frankfurt/M., 1988.
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- Zero Option | 1988
Thomas Risse-Kappen, Zero Option. The Global Elimination of Ground-Launched Intermediate-Range Missiles. A Political Assessment, PRIF Report No. 2, Frankfurt/M., 1988.
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