Teilprojekt InRa-Studie
Communities under Suspicion - Do Proactive Security Policy and Prevention of Extremism Have Non-Intended Racist Side Effects?
Countering, as well as preventing, radicalization and extremism can under certain circumstances lead to unintended racist effects and contribute to the creation or consolidation of stereotypes in society. This is particularly the case when the measures focus on minorities or when generalizing characteristics such as ethnicity, language, appearance, religion, etc. are used as ‘markers’ for identifying extremist individuals or for describing the target groups of prevention and are reinforced in the media.
The study examines governmental and non-governmental institutions involved in the prevention of extremism and the impact of their work on Muslims or those perceived to be Muslim. On the one hand, the prevention measures and practices of the institutions will be analyzed on the basis of strategy papers and interviews with (state and civil society) prevention actors. On the other hand, the experiences and perceptions of the affected groups themselves will be examined and made visible by conducting focus group interviews.
The project is a sub-project of the InRa-study “Institutions & Racism” at the Research Institute for Social Cohesion (FGZ), which is funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs (BMI) based on a resolution of the German Parliament.