Cluster for Natural and Technical Science Arms Control Research (CNTR)
The Cluster for Natural and Technical Science Arms Control Research (CNTR) researches militarily relevant new technologies and developments in the natural sciences from an interdisciplinary perspective. Military innovations, digital warfare and disinformation influence the balance of power and create uncertainty. In order to provide impetus for arms control at the international level, it is important not only to identify emerging problems at an early stage, but also to have the technical competence to address these problems. The CNTR team of researchers from different disciplines investigates impacts on international security, classifies them in a scientifically sound manner and, on this basis, develops recommendations for action to strengthen arms control.
At the same time, CNTR combines basic research and knowledge transfer in line with the motto of the Leibniz Association “Theoria cum praxi”. In addition to disseminating research results via publications and various other formats, PRIF is therefore developing a “CNTR Monitor: Technology and Arms Control” together with the universities of Darmstadt and Giessen, which will provide annual information on new developments in arms control research starting in 2024.
The project is funded by the German Foreign Office for a period of four years (January 2023 to December 2026) and consists of three research groups:
1. Emerging Disruptive Technologies (Heads: Prof. Dr Dr Christian Reuter and Dr Niklas Schörnig)
The Emerging Disruptive Technologies research group firstly examines the dangers posed by the military use of new technological developments from a security policy, ethical and legal perspective. Second, it asks how verification measures need to be tailored to enable effective arms control of modern military technologies in the first place. Third, it examines how new technologies can contribute to the development of more reliable instruments for arms control and verification. The group focusses on the future and primarily looks at technologies that are considered as emerging disruptive technologies – that is, technologies which are capable of overturning previous power structures and might allow weaker challengers to overtake the militaries of previously stronger players using innovations. These technologies include hypersonic missiles, military robotics, remotely piloted as well as autonomous and semi-autonomous weapon systems, nanotechnology, various forms of human enhancement, cyber operations, militarily used Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, or even the military use of quantum computers.
More information on the research group Emerging Disruptive Technologies
2. Chemical and Biological Weapons Arms Control (Heads: Dr Una Jakob and Prof. Dr Peter R. Schreiner, PhD)
The use of chemical weapons in Syria, the attacks with nerve agents and the Russian disinformation campaign on alleged bio- and chemical weapons activities in Ukraine have once again brought these weapons to the fore as threats to peace and security. Moreover, the pandemic experience of recent years has shown the impact that even unintentional global disease outbreaks can have. It is therefore crucial to address the entire spectrum of chemical and biological hazards as part of a comprehensive peace and security policy. Particularly in conjunction with other new technologies, such as artificial intelligence or information technology, scientific and technological developments in biology and chemistry could, on the one hand, change military calculations about the usefulness of biological and chemical weapons and, on the other, open up new opportunities for strengthening international bans on both categories of weapons. In view of the close interconnection of political and technological aspects, CNTR’s research in this area is conducted on an interdisciplinary basis with strong participation of scientific expertise and in cooperation with the Department of Biology and Chemistry at the Justus Liebig University of Giessen.
More information on the research group “Chemical and Biological Weapons Control”
3. Science for Nuclear Diplomacy (Head: Prof. Dr Malte Göttsche)
The Science for Nuclear Diplomacy Group conducts research in experimental physics and computational nuclear engineering to support the nonproliferation, arms control, and disarmament of nuclear weapons. It is co-located at TU Darmstadt and PRIF. We focus on the development of novel verification techniques to assess compliance with corresponding treaties. Furthermore, proliferation potentials of new nuclear technologies are assessed. Lastly, the group explores avenues towards reductions in nuclear weapon arsenals and weapons-usable fissile materials.
More information on the research group “Science for Nuclear Diplomacy”
The natural and technical science research is complemented by the research area “Arms Control Law” (Prof. Dr Thilo Marauhn).
CNTR has its own website: CNTR is on Twitter, Mastodon and Bluesky.
- Inferring Reactor Parameters from Nuclear Waste with Bayesian Inference | 2024
Göttsche, Malte / Jung, Benjamin (2024): Inferring Reactor Parameters from Nuclear Waste with Bayesian Inference, in: Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) (Hg.), 2024 INMM Annual Meeting Proceedings, Mount Laurel: Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM).
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- Reconstructing nuclear histories with archives – hands-on lessons learned | 2024
Kretzschmar, Sophie / Rademacher, Lukas / Göttsche, Malte (2024): Reconstructing nuclear histories with archives – hands-on lessons learned, in: Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) (ed.), 2024 INMM Annual Meeting Proceedings, Portland: Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM),
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- Forensic Measurements for Nuclear Archaeology – Trawsfynydd Revisited | 2024
Rademacher, Lukas / Göttsche, Malte (eds), (2024): Forensic Measurements for Nuclear Archaeology – Trawsfynydd Revisited, Portland: Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM),
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- KI und ihre militärischen Anwendungen | 2024
Reinhold, Thomas (2024): KI und ihre militärischen Anwendungen, CNTR Fact Sheet, 1.7.2024.
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- No Quick Solutions: A Different Approach to Hypersonic Arms Control | 2024
Kuhn, Frank (2024): No Quick Solutions: A Different Approach to Hypersonic Arms Control, War on the Rocks, 26.6.2024.
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- Segmentierung des Cyberspace? Chinas und Russlands Decoupling-Bestrebungen und ihre Konsequenzen | 2024
Reinhold, Thomas (2024): Segmentierung des Cyberspace? Chinas und Russlands Decoupling-Bestrebungen und ihre Konsequenzen, PRIF Spotlight 3/2024, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifspot2403.
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- Additive Manufacturing – Application and Use in Defence Technology | 2024
Suckau, Liska (2024): Additive Manufacturing – Application and Use in Defence Technology, CNTR Fact Sheets, 29.4.2024.
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- Towards a Peaceful Development of Cyberspace: De-Escalation of State-Led Cyber Conflicts and Arms Control of Cyber Weapons | 2024
Reinhold, Thomas (2024): Towards a Peaceful Development of Cyberspace: De-Escalation of State-Led Cyber Conflicts and Arms Control of Cyber Weapons, Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien,
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- Quantentechnologie und ihre Sicherheitsrelevanz | 2024
Bühring, Lena / Gräfe, Markus (2024): Quantentechnologie und ihre Sicherheitsrelevanz, CNTR Fact Sheets, 29.2.2024.
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- Verbesserte Glaubwürdigkeit: Zur Bedeutung der F-35A für die nukleare Teilhabe | 2023
Kuhn, Frank (2023): Verbesserte Glaubwürdigkeit: Zur Bedeutung der F-35A für die nukleare Teilhabe, PRIF Spotlight 12/2023, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifspot2312.
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- B-Waffen-Übereinkommen: Neunte Überprüfungskonferenz 2022 | 2023
Jakob, Una (2023): B-Waffen-Übereinkommen: Neunte Überprüfungskonferenz 2022, in: Vereinte Nationen, 6/2023, 276,
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- Making Nuclear Sharing Credible Again: What the F-35A Means for NATO | 2023
Kuhn, Frank (2023): Making Nuclear Sharing Credible Again: What the F-35A Means for NATO, War on the Rocks, 14.9.2023.
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- Das Raketenabwehrsystem Arrow 3: Eine fragliche Beschaffung | 2023
Kuhn, Frank (2023): Das Raketenabwehrsystem Arrow 3: Eine fragliche Beschaffung, PRIF Blog, 25.8.2023.
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- Friedensinformatik: heute und morgen | 2023
Gonsior, Anja-Liisa / Riebe, Thea / Schmid, Stefka / Reinhold, Thomas / Reuter, Christian (2023): Friedensinformatik: heute und morgen, in: FIfF-Kommunikation, 34–37,
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- Kampfflugzeuge für die Ukraine und das Risiko der Eskalation: Ein Realitätscheck | 2023
Kuhn, Frank (2023): Kampfflugzeuge für die Ukraine und das Risiko der Eskalation: Ein Realitätscheck, PRIF Blog, 7.3.2023.
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