Research Stays at PRIF for International Visitors
As Germany’s leading institute devoted to peace and conflict research, and one of the major European peace research institutes, PRIF is a top destination for scholars from all world regions. Convinced that international exchange and personal encounters are essential both to academic excellence and to developing common solutions for key global conflicts, PRIF welcomes international researchers at all career stages (Visiting Fellows and Visiting Professors) for research stays at our Frankfurt office.
PRIF Visiting Fellows
PRIF’s Visiting Fellows programme is open to applicants enrolled in a doctoral programme or employed as an academic member of staff at a non-German university or research institute.
PRIF prides itself on its culture of intellectual and social openness. PRIF visiting fellows are invited to participate fully in the institute’s life, ranging from discussions with fellow experts in one of PRIF’s five Research Departments to academic workshops, brown bag lunch talks on current political events to social gatherings. While PRIF’s main working language is German, English is an increasingly important second (given PRIF’s recent diversification of its own staff) and will be used whenever international researchers participate in meetings.
Pre-doctoral visiting fellows are matched with a senior member of staff as academic advisor for the duration of their stay, and are invited to discuss their research with the vibrant group of PRIF doctoral researchers. In addition, visiting fellows often develop and pursue joint publications or project proposals with PRIF staff, or contribute to one of PRIF’s house publication series.
While a typical research stay at PRIF runs over a period of three months, a shorter or longer duration can be agreed depending on individual needs and research projects. While some past visiting fellows have used their time at PRIF for concentrated work on manuscripts, others have used PRIF’s location in a major hub at the center of Europe to conduct fieldwork or reach out to colleagues located in other German and European institutions. With its Berlin office, PRIF is uniquely equipped to provide support to visiting fellows interested in conducting research trips to Germany’s capital.
At the Frankfurt office, visiting fellows are provided with office space and IT support and have full access to PRIF’s library resources. While PRIF cannot currently offer direct financial support to visiting fellows, we support suitable candidates in applying for a variety of funding schemes.
In addition to hosting shorter stays, PRIF also welcomes expressions of interest from international researchers wishing to bring their own third-party-funded research project to PRIF.
There is no fixed deadline for applications, but given capacity constraints applicants are encouraged to apply at least 6 months in advance.
For further details on how to proceed, see our information for academic visitors.
Current Visiting Fellows
Past Visiting Fellows
- Yuan Xinyu (Geneva Graduate Institute, Schweiz)
- Xie Peixuan (Peking University/Lund University, China/Sweden)
- Zhou Yiqi (Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS, China)
- Mónica Chinchilla (Universidad de Navarra, Spain)
- Christoph Humrich (University Groningen, Netherlands)
- Santiago Lopez Alvarez (Rice University, United States)
- Jusaima Moaid-azm Peregrina (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
- Luciana Jáuregui Jinés (Autonomous National University, Mexico)
- Cecilia Ducci (University of Bologna, Italy)
- Shimaa El Sharkawy (Cairo University, Egypt)
- Lucy Maycox (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
- Nadine Sika (American University in Cairo, Egypt)
- Steven Silva Salazar (Externado de Colombia University, Colombia)
- Celine Emma la Cour (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Manuel Herrera (King Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain)
- Ariadna Petri (University Complutense, Spain)
- Niels Byrjalsen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Luqman Saeed (Royal Holloway University of London, England)
- David Alzate Rojas (Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, Columbia)
- Eldad Ben Aharon (University of London, England)
- Aser Babajev (ADA University, Azerbaijan)
- Magnus Lundgren (Stockholm University, Sweden)
- Carlos Salamanca (CONICET, Argentina)
- Amr Salah (Egypt)
- Amr El Shobaki (Cairo University, Egypt)
- Armenuhi Nikoghosyan (Oral History Center, Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Armenia)
- Zhouchen Mao (University of Kent, England)
- Innocent Twagilimana (University of Rwanda, Rwanda)
- Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann (Instituto de Relações Internacionais, Brazil)
- Prakash Bhattarai (Centre for Social Change, Nepal)
- Allan Bloomfield (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- Kavitha Suthanthiraraj (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- Nadine Abdallah (American University Cairo, Egypt)
- Yoav Kapchuk (Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee, Israel)
- Nayera Abdel Rahman (Arab Forum for Alternatives, Lebanon)
- Nicolas Bouchet (The German-Marshall Fund of the United States, Germany)
Visiting Professors
Under the Visiting Professor programme, PRIF invites internationally renowned experts in the fields of international relations and peace and conflict research to spend a period of one to three months at PRIF. Visiting Professors receive accommodation and a monthly allowance from PRIF, and are invited to share their research and expertise with both senior and junior staff members through talks, workshops, or academic collaborations.
There is no formal application process for the Visiting Professor programme, as PRIF usually reaches out directly to scholars whose work could make a particularly strong contribution PRIF’s international profile and visibility. However, interested senior scholars may directly contact Research Department heads to discuss opportunities.