Research Stays at PRIF for International Visitors

As Germany’s leading institute devoted to peace and conflict research, and one of the major Euro­pean peace research institutes, PRIF is a top desti­nation for scholars from all world regions. Convinced that inter­national exchange and personal encounters are essen­tial both to academic excellence and to develo­ping common solutions for key global conflicts, PRIF welcomes inter­national researchers at all career stages (Visiting Fellows and Visiting Professors) for research stays at our Frank­furt office.

PRIF Visiting Fellows

PRIF’s Visiting Fellows prog­ramme is open to applicants en­rolled in a doctoral prog­ramme or em­ployed as an aca­demic member of staff at a non-German univer­sity or research institute.

PRIF prides itself on its culture of intellec­tual and social open­ness. PRIF visiting fellows are invited to partici­pate fully in the institute’s life, ranging from dis­cussions with fellow experts in one of PRIF’s five Research Depart­ments to aca­demic work­shops, brown bag lunch talks on current political events to social gathe­rings. While PRIF’s main working language is German, English is an in­creasingly important second (given PRIF’s recent diver­sification of its own staff) and will be used when­ever inter­national researchers participate in meetings.

Pre-doctoral visiting fellows are matched with a senior member of staff as aca­demic advisor for the duration of their stay, and are invited to discuss their research with the vib­rant group of PRIF doctoral resear­chers. In addition, visiting fellows often develop and pursue joint publi­cations or project proposals with PRIF staff, or contri­bute to one of PRIF’s house publi­cation series.

While a typical research stay at PRIF runs over a period of three months, a shorter or longer duration can be agreed depen­ding on individual needs and research projects. While some past visiting fellows have used their time at PRIF for con­centrated work on manu­scripts, others have used PRIF’s location in a major hub at the center of Europe to conduct field­work or reach out to collea­gues located in other German and European institu­tions. With its Berlin office, PRIF is uniquely equipped to provide support to visiting fellows intere­sted in con­ducting research trips to Germany’s capital.

At the Frank­furt office, visiting fellows are provided with office space and IT support and have full access to PRIF’s library resources. While PRIF can­not currently offer direct financial support to visiting fellows, we support suitable candi­dates in apply­ing for a variety of funding schemes.

In addition to hosting shorter stays, PRIF also welcomes expressions of interest from inter­national researchers wishing to bring their own third-party-funded research project to PRIF.

There is no fixed dead­line for appli­cations, but given capacity constraints appli­cants are en­couraged to apply at least 6 months in advance.

For further details on how to proceed, see our information for academic visitors.

Current Visiting Fellows

Past Visiting Fellows


  • Yuan Xinyu (Geneva Graduate Institute, Schweiz)


  • Xie Peixuan (Peking University/­Lund University, China/­Sweden)
  • Zhou Yiqi (Shanghai Institutes for Inter­national Studies (SIIS, China)
  • Mónica Chinchilla (Universi­dad de Navarra, Spain)
  • Christoph Humrich (University Groningen, Nether­lands)
  • Santiago Lopez Alvarez (Rice Uni­versity, United States)
  • Jusaima Moaid-azm Peregrina (Uni­versi­dad de Granada, Spain)


  • Luciana Jáuregui Jinés (Auto­no­mous National Uni­versity, Mexico)
  • Cecilia Ducci (Un­iversity of Bologna, Italy)
  • Shimaa El Sharkawy (Cairo Uni­versity, Egypt)
  • Lucy Maycox (Uni­versity of Ox­ford, United King­dom)
  • Nadine Sika (American Uni­versity in Cairo, Egypt)
  • Steven Silva Salazar (Externado de Colom­bia Uni­versity, Colombia)
  • Celine Emma la Cour (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • Manuel Herrera (King Juan Carlos Univer­sity of Madrid, Spain)


  • Ariadna Petri (Univer­sity Complu­tense, Spain)
  • Niels Byrjalsen (University of Copen­hagen, Denmark)


  • Luqman Saeed (Royal Holloway Univer­sity of London, England)
  • David Alzate Rojas (Univer­sidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, Columbia)
  • Eldad Ben Aharon (Univer­sity of London, England)
  • Aser Babajev (ADA Univer­sity, Azerbaijan)


  • Magnus Lundgren (Stock­holm University, Sweden)
  • Carlos Salamanca (CONICET, Argentina)
  • Amr Salah (Egypt)
  • Amr El Shobaki (Cairo University, Egypt)
  • Armenuhi Nikoghosyan (Oral History Center, Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Armenia)


  • Zhouchen Mao (University of Kent, England)
  • Innocent Twagilimana (University of Rwanda, Rwanda)


  • Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann (Instituto de Relações Internacionais, Brazil)
  • Prakash Bhattarai (Centre for Social Change, Nepal)
  • Allan Bloomfield (Univer­sity of New South Wales, Australia)
  • Kavitha Suthanthiraraj (Univer­sity of New South Wales, Australia)
  • Nadine Abdallah (American University Cairo, Egypt)
  • Yoav Kapchuk (Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee, Israel)
  • Nayera Abdel Rahman (Arab Forum for Alternatives, Lebanon)
  • Nicolas Bouchet (The German-Marshall Fund of the United States, Germany)

Visiting Professors

Under the Visiting Professor prog­ramme, PRIF invites inter­nationally re­nowned experts in the fields of inter­national relations and peace and conflict research to spend a period of one to three months at PRIF. Visiting Professors receive accom­modation and a monthly allowance from PRIF, and are invited to share their research and ex­pertise with both senior and junior staff mem­bers through talks, work­shops, or academic colla­borations.

There is no formal appli­cation process for the Visiting Professor prog­ramme, as PRIF usually reaches out directly to scholars whose work could make a parti­cularly strong contribution PRIF’s inter­national profile and visibility. However, interested senior scholars may directly contact Research Department heads to discuss oppor­tunities.

Current Visiting Professors

Past Visiting Professors