Peace Research Institute Frankfurt



  • Mission
    PRIF analyses the causes of international and intrastate conflicts and looks for ways to solve them. We combine interdisciplinary basic research with knowledge transfer into policy-making, media and society.
  • Organizational Structure
    Executive Board – Board of Trustees – Scientific Advisory Board – Knowledge Transfer and Public Relations – Administration – Organizational Chart – Research Program – Research Departments
  • Staff
    PRIF employs over 70 staff members.
  • Library
    PRIF maintains the largest library in the area of peace and conflict research in Germany.
  • Science Communication
    The Science Communication Department serves as the central contact point for dialog with the media, politics, and society.
  • History
    On 30 October 1970, the former Prime Minister of Hesse, Albert Osswald, handed the foundation deed for PRIF over to the interim board – Prof Ernst-Otto Czempiel, Dr Hans Nicklas and Dr Dieter Senghaas.
  • Funding
    PRIF receives 54% of its funding from the federal government and 46% from state funds.
  • Constitution
    Organizational Form - Purpose of the Foundation - Freedom of Research - Structure and Governing Bodies - Board of Trustees -  Executive Board - Research Council - Advisory Board - Foundation Assets - Budget and Accounting - Constitutional Changes
  • Annual Reports
    Annual reports provide information on all relevant results from research and knowledge transfer of the past years.
  • Awards
    Every two years PRIF bestows the Ernst-Otto Czempiel Award and is involved in the awarding of the Hessian Peace Prize.